China Precision Components Manufacturer

CNC Rapid Prototyping Component

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Rapid Manufacturing on Demand

Rapid Manufacturing on Demand

Within the medical industry, prototyping is a critical step in the time-, cost-, and labor-intensive process of launching a new product. The medical device prototyping process produces functional samples to exact design and material specifications for use in product testing and evaluation stages and business presentations. These samples enable manufacturers to verify the efficacy and manufacturability of the design and …

CNC Rapid Prototype Custom

In order to verify the appearance,structure and dimensions of new product,to see if the new product’s design is perfect or not,Rapid Prototyping is the first step.Because we can recognize the design problem when we test the prototype.In other words,rapid prototyping can help to reduce the risk of developing mould. According to the material used for making prototype,there are plastic prototype,metal …

CNC Rapid Prototyping Component

Summary Prototype models help design teams make more informed decisions by obtaining invaluable data from the performance of, and the reaction to, those prototypes. The more data that is gathered at this stage of the product development cycle, the better the chances of preventing potential product or manufacturing issues down the road. If a well thought out Rapid Prototyping strategy …