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CNC быстрого прототипирования компонентов

  • CNC быстрого прототипирования компонентов

    Порт: Шэньчжэнь,China Production
    Capacity: 10000
    Условия оплаты: Аккредитив, Т / Т, Д/П, западный союз, Paypal, Денежный грамм
    Применение: Аксессуары для автомобилей и мотоциклов, Принадлежности для машинного оборудования, Hardware Tool Nozzle Number: Как требуется
    Технология формования: SLA Building
    Размер: 300*350*350 Механизм подачи токарно-винторезного станка может управлять режущим инструментом как в продольном, так и в поперечном направлениях. 1700*800*600 (ЛАТУК)
    Обработка поверхности: Polishing Production
    Тип: Mass/Batch/Single Production

    • Характеристики

    Prototype models help design teams make more informed decisions by obtaining invaluable data from the performance of, и реакция на, эти прототипы. Чем больше данных собирается на этом этапе цикла разработки продукта, тем выше шансы предотвратить потенциальные проблемы с продуктом или производством в будущем.. If a well thought out Быстрое прототипирование strategy is followed, there is a far greater chance that the product will be introduced to the market on time, be accepted, perform reliably, and be profitable.
    What is the best way to get a rapid prototype custom made? The answer depends on where you are in your process and what you are trying to accomplish. Early in the design process, when the ideas are flowing freely, concept models are helpful. As the design progresses, a prototype that has the size, заканчивать, color, форма, сила, долговечность, and material characteristics of the intended final product becomes increasingly important. Следовательно, using the right prototyping process is critical. In order to most effectively validate your design, pay close attention to these three key elements of your design: functionality, manufacturability, and viability.
    If your prototype can faithfully represent the attributes of the end-product, it is by definition functional. These requirements often include such things as material properties (e.g., flame resistance), dimensional accuracy for fit-up with mating parts, and cosmetic surface finishes for appearance.
    If your prototype design can be repeatedly and economically produced in a manner that supports the requirements of the end product, it is by definition manufacturable. These requirements include the ability to maintain the functionality of the design as described above, keep the piece-part cost below the required level, and support the production schedule. No matter how great a design is, it will go nowhere if it can’t be manufactured. Make sure your prototyping process takes this into consideration.
    Окончательно, even if your prototype design is functional and manufacturable, it doesn’t mean anyone will want to use it. Prototypes are the only true way to verify the viability of the design in this sense. If your design can also pass the challenges associated with market trials (e.g., trade show displays, usability testing) and regulatory testing (e.g., FDA testing of medical devices), you’re well on your way to a successful product launch.

    GPT services is the best perfect. We offer a full product development service that can help you create a 3D CAD design of your product or part that we can then also help you 3D print, опытный образец, and if you so wish mass produce. If you’d prefer however, the CAD design file we create for you can be sent to any company who works with 3D files anywhere in the world. Just think how much easier it will be though to get your design and development work all done through one company, not to mention that » Шестерни has some of the most affordable prices in the industry!

    Китайское быстрое прототипирование ,

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